K-Design Award [ Anti-Prohibition ] Winner

2024. Jul. 30

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一、二樓作為一般客戶的活動區域,戶外拼貼進口紅磚地坪,綴以造型鐵件餐椅及蒼翠綠植,增添細緻而靈動的清爽氣息,室內則鋪設超耐磨木地板,佐搭木質桌椅、櫃體,以溫潤的大地色系,形構室內的明淨感,此外,吧台下方立面採用獨門技藝,將淡橘塗料作為基底,噴上顆粒漆,最後以珊瑚海綿壓印深橘色彩,細膩成品在間接照明的襯映下,彰顯如火星表面的視覺層次感,和周遭暖色調相得益彰,營造品酒時神秘優雅的新穎意趣。 發想自美國1920年代禁酒時期的地下酒吧,顧客可由櫃檯後方的書櫃暗門搭乘電梯,直達三樓貴賓區域,暖黃的燈光搭襯田字實木地坪、同質天壁,塑造老式英倫的沉穩風範,斑駁的胡桃木色古董桌櫃,伴隨牆面的復古畫作與黑膠唱片機的悠然樂聲,共築尊貴典雅的安逸空間。 入口處活用圓拱波形玻璃門,兼顧良好採光與保有隱私之效,進入內部,接待處旁側的酒窖採懸浮酒架設計,使視覺可穿透至庭院,後方的室內天井則導引天然柔光入室,給予客人及員工通透明亮的舒適環境。 思及人員移動的順暢性,將大門作為顧客唯一的出入口,建物後方的小巷則是職員的主要通道,銜接員工休息區及廚房,分流工作人員與客戶的動線;作為吸菸區的三樓,天花板內藏置換氣循環系統,可迅速過濾煙霧,使室內保有良好的空氣品質,供來客於窗畔細品雪茄、淺嚐威士忌的非凡體驗。

Inspired by the speakeasies in the 1920s Prohibition Era of the U.S.A., the customers can take the elevator hidden behind the bookcase to the VIP lounge on the third floor. The square-shaped patterned wood parquet makes a concert with the wood ceiling to reveal a calm British tone. In this elegant space, a rustic walnut-finished chest coffee table and the retro paintings on the wall feature a dignified atmosphere along with the music from the vinyl record player. Moreover, at the back of the entrance is an atrium letting natural light flood indoors. The approach gives a clear and bright vibe to the customers and the staff.

Source - K-Design Award